2005-08-24 02:19:56 UTC
Saint Rose of Lima (1586-1617), born of Spanish parents not long after
the arrival of the Spanish colonists in Peru, was named Isabel at
birth. Her beauty as a child prompted those around her to call her
Rose, the name she also took at Confirmation. Her parents looked
forward to an advantageous marriage for her but Rose determined to
dedicate her life to God in imitation of Catherine of Siena. She
considered her physical attractiveness a drawback and, according to
the story, rubbed her face with pepper and lime, thereby causing
enough disfigurement to deter any prospects of marriage. Her family
experienced financial difficulties and Rose remained at home to aid
them by selling needlework and by gardening. She became a Dominican
tertiary like her model, Saint Catherine, and adopted the lifestyle of
a recluse in a shack in her parents' garden. She took on difficult
penances and underwent deliberate hardships while at the same time
experiencing extraordinary visions and mystical gifts. Rose also
experienced a solidarity with the poor, the slaves and Indians. She
engaged in spiritual and corporal works of mercy in spite of ill
health. Her garden became a sort of spiritual center for the city of
Lima. During the last three years of her life Don de Massa and his
wife invited her into their home and she died there in 1671. Pope
Clement X canonized Rose only fifty-four years after her death, making
her the first saint of the New World. She is also known as the patron
saint of South America.
If only mortals would learn how great it is to possess divine
grace, how beautiful, how noble, how precious . . . All . . .
throughout the world would seek trouble, infirmities and torments,
instead of good fortune, in order to attain the unfathomable treasure
of grace." -- Rose of Lima
(New Revised Standard Version)
You yourselves know, brothers and sisters, that our visit to you was
not in vain; but though we had already suffered and been shamefully
treated at Philippi, as you know, we had courage in our God to declare
to you the gospel of God in the face of great opposition. For our
appeal does not spring from error or uncleanness, nor is it made with
guile; but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with
the gospel, so we speak, not to please people, but to please God who
tests our hearts. For we never used either words of flattery, as you
know, or a cloak for greed, as God is witness; nor did we seek glory
from others, whether from you or from anyone else, though we might
have made demands as apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you,
like a nurse taking care of her children. So, being affectionately
desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel
of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Jesus said to the crowds, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cummin, and have neglected
the weightier matters of the law; justice and mercy and faith. It is
these you ought to have practiced without neglecting the others. You
blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel! Woe to you,
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the
cup and of the plate, but inside they are full of greed and
self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the
cup, so that the outside also may become clean."
Matthew 23:23-26
Quote of the Day
(Arthur Jones)
Now all Christians (all of us in the West today anyway) are going to
have to come to a reckoning with our lifestyles if the Christian
critique of the planet's current dire ecological trajectory is taken
This version taken from:
'From this then, we draw up our demurrer: If the Lord Jesus Christ sent the
Apostles to preach, no others ought to be received except those appointed
by Christ. For no one knows the Father except the Son, and to him whom
the Son gives a revelation. Nor does it seem that the Son has given revelation
to any others than the Apostles, whom He sent forth to preach what He
revealed to them.'
- Tertullian, The Prescription [Demurrer] Against the Heretics: (200 A.D.)
(This is a Pre-Constantine source and like in all other instances that I am able to find
- there is no difference between the Pre and Post Constantine practice.
In other words, Constantine didn't change this doctrine)
the arrival of the Spanish colonists in Peru, was named Isabel at
birth. Her beauty as a child prompted those around her to call her
Rose, the name she also took at Confirmation. Her parents looked
forward to an advantageous marriage for her but Rose determined to
dedicate her life to God in imitation of Catherine of Siena. She
considered her physical attractiveness a drawback and, according to
the story, rubbed her face with pepper and lime, thereby causing
enough disfigurement to deter any prospects of marriage. Her family
experienced financial difficulties and Rose remained at home to aid
them by selling needlework and by gardening. She became a Dominican
tertiary like her model, Saint Catherine, and adopted the lifestyle of
a recluse in a shack in her parents' garden. She took on difficult
penances and underwent deliberate hardships while at the same time
experiencing extraordinary visions and mystical gifts. Rose also
experienced a solidarity with the poor, the slaves and Indians. She
engaged in spiritual and corporal works of mercy in spite of ill
health. Her garden became a sort of spiritual center for the city of
Lima. During the last three years of her life Don de Massa and his
wife invited her into their home and she died there in 1671. Pope
Clement X canonized Rose only fifty-four years after her death, making
her the first saint of the New World. She is also known as the patron
saint of South America.
If only mortals would learn how great it is to possess divine
grace, how beautiful, how noble, how precious . . . All . . .
throughout the world would seek trouble, infirmities and torments,
instead of good fortune, in order to attain the unfathomable treasure
of grace." -- Rose of Lima
(New Revised Standard Version)
You yourselves know, brothers and sisters, that our visit to you was
not in vain; but though we had already suffered and been shamefully
treated at Philippi, as you know, we had courage in our God to declare
to you the gospel of God in the face of great opposition. For our
appeal does not spring from error or uncleanness, nor is it made with
guile; but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with
the gospel, so we speak, not to please people, but to please God who
tests our hearts. For we never used either words of flattery, as you
know, or a cloak for greed, as God is witness; nor did we seek glory
from others, whether from you or from anyone else, though we might
have made demands as apostles of Christ. But we were gentle among you,
like a nurse taking care of her children. So, being affectionately
desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel
of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8
Jesus said to the crowds, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees,
hypocrites! For you tithe mint, dill, and cummin, and have neglected
the weightier matters of the law; justice and mercy and faith. It is
these you ought to have practiced without neglecting the others. You
blind guides! You strain out a gnat but swallow a camel! Woe to you,
scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the
cup and of the plate, but inside they are full of greed and
self-indulgence. You blind Pharisee! First clean the inside of the
cup, so that the outside also may become clean."
Matthew 23:23-26
Quote of the Day
(Arthur Jones)
Now all Christians (all of us in the West today anyway) are going to
have to come to a reckoning with our lifestyles if the Christian
critique of the planet's current dire ecological trajectory is taken
This version taken from:
'From this then, we draw up our demurrer: If the Lord Jesus Christ sent the
Apostles to preach, no others ought to be received except those appointed
by Christ. For no one knows the Father except the Son, and to him whom
the Son gives a revelation. Nor does it seem that the Son has given revelation
to any others than the Apostles, whom He sent forth to preach what He
revealed to them.'
- Tertullian, The Prescription [Demurrer] Against the Heretics: (200 A.D.)
(This is a Pre-Constantine source and like in all other instances that I am able to find
- there is no difference between the Pre and Post Constantine practice.
In other words, Constantine didn't change this doctrine)