How To Help Roman Catholics Find the Truth 1
(too old to reply)
2006-08-15 22:17:03 UTC
No doubt about it - the Mass, the 7 sacraments including the Holy Eucharist and
Confession of Sins, and the Papacy. All originated by Christ.
There are TWO Ordinances, namely Baptism, and The Lord's Table
(Communion) -- you romanists are being misled by those skirt-wearing
No, YOUR church only offers 2 symbolic ordinances. The Christian Church offers
7 sacraments.
The very BIBLE GOD GAVE US is not the same one you romanists hail
You make up false 'scripture' as you go along, and think God will not
hold it against you.
You give Mary the honor due Jesus, and expect to get off unscathed.
What does you bible say differently, doc?
Yep, the protest_ant gospel of denial of scripture, especially the words of
Where did he 'deny' the Bible there, or the words of Jesus?
The same as you - he denies the Mass, the 7 sacraments, and the Papacy. But
it's not my loss - it's yours and his for denying what Christ told us.
We RC's follow everything - you protest_ants play cafeteria Christian and pick
and choose what you want to profess.
No such thing as a 'cafeteria Christian', romanist infidel.
And you do NOT 'follow everything. You are guilty of idolatry with
your lifeless, useless statues in those buildings you call 'your
churches' --- yet the Bible GOD GAVE US strictly forbids that...
Sorry, but we don't worship any inanimate statues.
Lev 26:1 Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear
you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in
your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God.
That's right. You worship your bible a whole lot more than we worship statues.

duke, American-American
"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
Anthrax Mailer
2010-06-02 17:33:05 UTC
No doubt about it - the Mass, the 7 sacraments including the Holy Eucharist and
Confession of Sins, and the Papacy. All originated by Christ.
There are TWO Ordinances, namely Baptism, and The Lord's Table
(Communion) -- you romanists are being misled by those skirt-wearing priestie-boys.
No, YOUR church only offers 2 symbolic ordinances. The Christian Church offers 7 sacraments.
Two of which appears to be the rape of children.

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