2005-08-02 16:18:20 UTC
Why you, jehovas-witn, hate cristians so much and tech them your
satanic religion?=============================
It makes the Watchtower Book Publishing House rich - look at the huge
opulent Patterson Complex in NY they recently built. Millions went into
and not one penny is ever spent on any form of charity. This cult wont
pay for the damages done to it's children by it's own known pedophiles.
They have the blood of millions on their hands if you believe in
sounds innocent.
But would I put my children there? Hell no! Not on gods
green earth would I let my children near any K.Hall or complex where they
** The fact they hid their pedophiles tells me they value their name andrule.
reputation over the welfare of innocents. If there is a fiery hell for
those like the WTS's GB, that's exactly where that group of self-serving
elitists are going.......
L Perez bleated: BEWARE! there are people on this newsgroup who are only
here to slander and
lie about Jehovah's Witnesses. They do not offer any alternative
Note: No other organization can even come close to the WTS' record of six,
false-alarm end-of-the world predictions in the 20th century.
(Credit to RLM)