Watchtower's Gov Body Comes Up With Another Date! Part #2
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Anonymous (via Thrasher Remailer)
2004-11-10 06:02:22 UTC
The Last Generation
The Watchtower's newest light that points to the end by the year

Who are the ones who are lost?

Who are the unfortunate souls who found themselves on that
dreaded narrow road that leads to destruction? They were people
who became Jehovah's Witnesses from the time the Watchtower
first started preaching the end of the world message. These
formerly faithful Jehovah's Witnesses originally believed the
message of the Watchtower that the end was just around the
corner, but after living through one failed prophecy after
another, they abandoned their faith in the Watchtower
organization. The Watchtower brands such ones as apostates and
deems them unfit to receive a resurrection. Since 1879 anyone
who became a Jehovah's Witness but who left the Watchtower is on
that narrow road to destruction. They are the only ones from
previous generations who will not receive a resurrection.
What a shame! Since everyone who was preached to by the
Watchtower from 1879 to the very early 1900's is dead and gone,
the only lasting effect the Watchtower managed to have for that
generation was to create a way for some to lose out on paradise.
If you take the Watchtower's doctrine to its logical conclusion,
the generation of the late 1800's and early 1900's would have
been better off never having heard the message of the
Watchtower. Everyone who didn't hear the message is guaranteed
life in paradise. But for those who heard and believed but who
became disillusioned, the Watchtower became to them a stench of


Who is 'in' and who is 'out' of paradise earth?
Now let's summarize from the Watchtower's teachings to find the
three groups of people who will be 'in' paradise and the three
groups who are 'out'

Those who will receive life, the 'in' group are:

1. Every person who never became a Jehovah's Witness and who
dies before Armageddon will receive a second chance.

2. Every current Jehovah's Witness who is worthy enough to merit
everlasting life will go into paradise.

3. Every practicing Jehovah's Witness who dies before Armageddon
will receive a second chance no matter how worthy they are.


Those who will not receive life, the 'out' group

1. Every non-Jehovah's Witness living at the time that
Armageddon occurs will die. They will not receive a second
chance for life.

2. Every Jehovah's Witness alive at the time that Armageddon
occurs but who is not considered worthy enough will be killed
and will not receive a second chance at life.

3. Every Jehovah's Witness who has left the organization and who
subsequently dies will not receive a second chance for life.

The difference between the will's and the will not's, according
to the Watchtower, is dependent on when you were born and when
you died. If you lived and died anytime up until 1879 you are
in. If you lived and died after 1879 you are probably in - as
long as you didn't subscribe to the Watchtower's message. That
way you didn't have a chance to become an apostate and end up on
that dreaded narrow road. If you live in the last generation,
you are almost certainly out. Only a relatively small number of
worthy Jehovah's Witnesses will go into paradise alive.
2004-11-10 18:58:06 UTC
Post by Anonymous (via Thrasher Remailer)
The Last Generation
The Watchtower's newest light that points to the end by the year
Who are the ones who are lost?
Oh no,... not another 100% wrong date to goad the JWs into a renewed frenzy
of d2d activity! I sure hope no one sells their homes and businesses this
time, and less marriages and families are ripped apart. Hopefully the JWs
are jaded enough by all the other false alarms and ignore this latest
nonsense from the GB. :-)
000 Inc.......
The JWs keep saying it (Armageddon) is imminent, just a matter of time,
only a matter of weeks or months from the predicted date: 1874(+40),
1878(+40), 1910,
1914, 1915, 1916, 1917, 1918, 1922, 1925, 1940, 1945, 1975, 1999/2000...NOW
Just one WRONG date after another - they're truly inspired by *GASP* demons!
"If he is a false prophet, his prophecy will fail to come to pass."
(Watchtower, 5/15/30).
A good read: http://www.watchtowerinformationservice.org./2004.htm